Welcome to the Siouxland Area of NA

Meetings are held online (zoom) or in person

The SANA ( Siouxland Area of NA) Area Service Committee has the responsibility of maintaining this website. All content is approved by the SANA Public Information Sub-Committee.

Please contact the web servant for comments, questions or concerns.

The SANA Area also does not endorse any web-page links on this site, nor is it responsible for the contents of any subsequent links from those pages. It is our goal to link to pages, which adhere to The Twelve Traditions of Narcotics Anonymous and WSC Internet Guidelines.

Narcotics Anonymous; the stylized initials NA, appearing alone, within a single or double circle, or as part of any other graphic; and the circle-diamond symbol are registered trademarks of Narcotics Anonymous World Services, Inc.

The Siouxland Area of Narcotics Anonymous is a member of the
Iowa Region of Narcotics Anonymous.

Iowa Region of NA Website

Plain States Zone of NA Website

NA World Services Official Website